Being a beginner is frightening. It makes me want to crawl right back into the hole I was in and just forget about it. But it’s necessary. We only grow with change. And change almost always requires us to begin again. Perhaps this is why we don’t like change.
But I never want to look back at my life and say ” I should have…”, not if I can help it. So here I am. Sharing a part of my life in this little corner. Hoping you will glean something from my mistakes, my choices, my beginnings.
I thought I lived a pretty healthy life. I even went to college for Health Promotion. I exercised daily. I ate foods that I thought were healthy. Cut out the foods I thought were bad for me. I made choices for my family that I thought were the best at that time. I did what I thought was best. But now I know better. And when you know better you do better. I hope that is what you will find here.
I’ve always beat my own drum. But in the last year, I realized how tight the grip of others’ expectations were wrapped around me. I had to release them.
My typical way of making drastic changes quickly was not going to work this time. I needed slow. In fact, I craved it. I wanted to make lasting changes in my life and the life of my family. I also wanted to see what these changes would do. Taking them one at a time allowed me to see what worked and what didn’t. A few weeks under my belt, and I felt like I could do this. I hadn’t dropped off the adrenaline train, I was still riding the slow and easy and I was loving it.
I began small too. Just small swaps I could do in a day. And slowly and surely these minor changes added up to big changes. We’re told that we need to make all these grand changes to make a difference in our lives. But the truth is, that’s not true.
A house is not built in a day. The foundation is laid. The concrete dries. This takes time. I have learned to lay the foundation and now I am building my house one brick at a time. Securing it for generations to come.
I felt stuck. I knew I had to do better for my kids. I was tired of being tired. And tired of getting sick. I wanted to pass on a life to my kids that brought us back to the roots God intended for us. Back to the basics.
Come on my journey. Learn something. Make a small change. See how you too can have freedom from the world’s expectations and live a life wholly healthy.